C4JR launched a working group to facilitate activities of the Coalition in the field of conflict-related sexual violence (CRSV) and women’s rights: C4JR-CRSV-WG. The working group assumed work on developing a policy paper to support the implementation of reparation measures set out in the C4JR Draft Law on Reparations for Survivors of Conflict-Related Sexual Violence Committed During the ISIS Conflict in Iraq (C4JR Draft Law).
General objectives of the working group are to advocate for the adoption and implementation of the C4JR Draft Law, ensure the voices of CRSV survivors are heard, ensure a strong gender perspective in all C4JR activities and support the coalition’s gender-sensitive approach.
C4JR-CRSV-WG currently consists of Better World Organization for Community Development, Bishkoreen, Emma, Eyzidi Organization for Documentation, Free Yezidi Foundation, Iraqi Institution for Development, Lotus Flower, TAJDID Iraq, Turkmen Rescue Foundation, Women Leadership Institute, Women Legal Assistance Organization and Yazda representatives.
Ms Nita Gojani, Justice Rapid Response expert with hands on experience on setting up Kosovo conflict-related sexual and gender based violence reparations program, is providing expert support to the working group members, whereas Ms Gulchen Kshtow of Erbil based Emma organization is taking the lead in coordinating the working group´s activities.