
Our Members

Victims of Iraq in Speicher-1700 NGO

Victims of Iraq in Speicher-1700 NGO

Victims of Iraq in Speicher-1700 NGO is a non-governmental organization in Iraq, founded in 2016 by families of the victims of the Speicher massacre. The organization serves as the official spokesperson for the victims and is authorized by 60% of the families. It works to monitor government departments and courts on behalf of the applicants, with 23 representatives in central and southern governorates. Its main goal is to facilitate the process of responding to requests submitted by victims‘ families. The organization is currently working with the Martyrs Foundation to distribute plots of land and cash allowances to the families of the victims.

Farida Global Organization

Farida Global Organization

Farida Global Organization is a German non-profit organization founded and managed by survivors of the Yazidi genocide and conflict-related sexual violence (CRSV), who have advocated for survivors’ rights since they escaped from ISIS captivity. Farida Global aims to give voice and support to survivors and their communities in a participatory, survivor-centric, culturally sensitive, and psychosocially informed manner.

Sustainable Peace Foundation

Sustainable Peace Foundation

Sustainable Peace Foundation (SPF) is an Iraqi Non-governmental Organization (NGO) founded in 2019. We strive to build and sustain peace through vertical and horizontal participatory methods and grassroots approaches; to reinstate and strengthen lost trust between Iraq’s diverse ethno-religious social groups; empower and build the capacities of the very affected communities, with a centripetal focus on marginalized groups of Iraq’s social fabric – such as women and girls, youth and minorities: so they can reduce social tensions, mitigate and transform conflicts through dialogue and non-violent means. SPF also prides themselves on being a feminist organization striving for gender equality and equity.



The Observer Human Rights Center is a non-governmental humanitarian independent organization with independent legal personality acknowledged by the Iraqi legislator which gives it the role in establishing the relations with other governmental and non-governmental organizations, provided that the purpose of this relationship concentrated in the humanitarian effort. The Center considered as a main tool to observe the violation that may happen to the human rights, and it works on maintaining the basic principles of humanity and carrying out the tasks entrusted to humanitarian associations in the whole world. It headquarters is in AL-Najaf AL-Ashraf province

Iraqi Educators League

Iraqi Educators League

The Iraqi educators league is a non-profit, organization registered in organizations Department of Non-Governmental General Secretariat ministers’ council in addition to teachers, its members include an elite group of university professors, educational experts, and civil society activists. registered in the ministry of education and ministry of higher education and scientific research. seeks to achieve its vision through a realistic message focusing on educational development sector institutions and adequate infrastructure provision. pays attention to message bearer from teachers, administrative and technical staff who are developing their abilities, capacities and defend their rights to be effective, through modern and solid educational curricula



ASUDA is an Iraqi NGO, committed to combating violence against women through an institutional and systematic approach in order to enhance the status of women and strengthen civil society through female participation. Its vision is a world where women and men enjoy equal rights and access to resources and opportunities, where all forms of discrimination and marginalization against women and minorities are eliminated, and where violence plays no part in any individual’s lives. Asuda seeks the attainment of a safe environment for women and minorities, free from all forms of violence, and where everyone enjoys their rights.



Better World Organization for Community Development (BWO) is a non-governmental organization established on 24th May 2017 in Kurdistan/Iraq. The organization works to advocate for peace and coexistence in the community, to empower and protect women and youth, and to improve psychosocial and economic situation of the people. The board and management teams are groups of young women and men, with experience in humanitarian and civil society field, who established this organization to stand up and call for women rights and peace to change the world to a better place. The organization’s office is in Duhok city and also working in Duhok governorate, inside and outside of IDP camps.

Civil Development Organization

Civil Development Organization

Civil Development Organization “CDO” is a non-profit organization founded in 1999 and registered in both KRG NGOs Directorate and Federal Government in Baghdad. CDO’s vision is establishing a civil society in Iraqi community through building capacity of CSO in Iraq, promoting democracy and peace promotion, developing human right situation, combating violence against women, increasing women political participation, presenting legal aid to the vulnerable groups and advocate on behalf of the local community. CDO is also involved in the emergency response to the Syrian refugees and Iraqi IDPs.

Dak Organization

Dak Organization

Dak Organization is a Non-Profit Independent women’s organization. working for women’s development, empowerment, protection, and peacebuilding through strengthening women’s decision making. It is also a feminist organization fighting for women’s rights by empowering women and building their capacities in different walks of life.



Emma Emma is a Non-Profit organization carrying the Kurdish word that means “we” that describe the principle of working together as one team from different backgrounds and beliefs. Emma was established in 2013 by a group of women activists and experts in various fields, such as gender equality, law, education, health and mental health providing programs to the community in general, particularly women and vulnerable groups in the Kurdistan Region, on gender equality, rehabilitation, capacity building, and development.

The Free Yezidi Foundation

The Free Yezidi Foundation

The Free Yezidi Foundation is a non-Profit organization, Yezidi women-led designed to assist Yezidis in need. The Foundation was established shortly after terrorists attempted to eradicate the Yezidis in August 2014. The Free Yezidi Foundation seeks to implement projects to protect and support the most vulnerable members of the Yezidi community, with particular attention to minority and women’s rights.

Eyzidi Organization for Documentation

Eyzidi Organization for Documentation

Eyzidi Organization for Documentation is a Non-Profit organization that provides services to all citizens without discrimination and seeks to create community awareness of the concepts of human rights through the definition of those concepts and to address all cases of violations by document all violations cases besides raising community awareness of rights. with vision that make Society treat with respecting rights and treats violation besides working on compensation and ensures social stability for individuals.

Ghasin Alzaiton

Ghasin Alzaiton

Ghasin Alzaiton is a non-profit organization established in 2012 working on peacebuilding and sustainable development in Iraq. The main aim and objectives of the organization are including: Support the most vulnerable people, promote peace and coexistence and empowering women with eradicate gender-based violence.

Hammurabi Human Rights Organization

Hammurabi Human Rights Organization

Hammurabi Human Rights Organization (HHRO) is a non-profit organization founded in 2005. Working with human rights activists from different societies who believe that human is the highest value which must be respected. HHRO activists defend the rights and dignity of all Iraqis regardless of religion, sect, nationalism, sex, origin, ideas or political affiliation. HHRO´s goals are protecting human rights, internationally and nationally, monitoring and revealing human rights violations and upholding the respect for human dignity.



Harikar is a non-government organization established in 2004 by a group of social activists. strives toward the fulfillment of human rights, particularly women and children in Iraq, as stipulated in the Iraqi constitution. founded with the purpose of developing civil society through establishing an open space for all ethnic groups living within the borders of the country. The space is open for co-ordination with the other international and local non-governmental organizations.



HÁWAR.help is a Non-Profit organization dedicated to create a world in which everyone can live in safety and with personal agency, regardless of their ethnic background, faith, gender, or sexual orientation. A world in which human rights are respected as the highest good and where women and children can embrace new opportunities and dream big. A world with an open society that supports people who have been traumatized and still have the courage to go on. There’s still a long way to go, but we’ll keep on moving, no matter what.

Iraqi Institution for Development

Iraqi Institution for Development

Iraqi Institution for Development (IID) is a Non-Profit organization representing Iraqi Youth. IID believes that Iraq is rich in resources and that ignorance and poverty are not invincible. Since its establishment in 2003 IID works on fighting ignorance, poverty and hunger by providing education and emergency humanitarian assistance. At present, IID is one of the few Iraqi NGOs that are active, independent and operational nationwide. IID is partnering with international and local authorities to achieve its goals and serve its people.

Jinda Organization

Jinda Organization

Jinda Is a Non-Profit organization founded in 2015, Jinda has been providing long-term assistance to women and girls who have escaped or have been rescued from Daesh (ISIS) captivity. Via providing a safe space for survivors of war and displacement, the center offers psychological aid, legal and social assistance, as well as awareness training on women’s rights, women’s health, and strategies to cope on a practical level with traumatic experiences.

The Jiyan Foundation for Human Rights

The Jiyan Foundation for Human Rights

Jiyan Foundation for Human Rights is a Non-Profit organization based in Kurdistan, Iraq and Germany. Since 2005, the Jiyan Foundation has been providing support to survivors of human rights abuses in Kurdistan and Iraq. Today, the Jiyan Foundation runs a network of eleven trauma rehabilitation centers in North Iraq, including special departments for traumatized women and children, a clinic for Yazidi women who survived enslavement by the so-called Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), services for juvenile detainees and female prisoners, rights and justice and a human rights education program.

Justice Organization for Minority Rights

Justice Organization for Minority Rights

Justice Organization for Minority Rights (JOMR) is Non-profit organization founded in 2015, JOMR works in the humanitarian relief field and specializes in human rights, expressly minority rights. JOMR has extensive experience in the implementation of projects and training in areas such as the promotion of minority rights, psychological support for women survivors, just reparations, advocacy and volunteering campaigns. also working as a consultative body with the local government in Nineveh governorate, also its founding member of the Iraqi Minorities Coalition Network and works on partnerships with international and local organizations.

The Lotus Flower

The Lotus Flower

The Lotus Flower The Lotus Flower is a non-profit organization works for the empowerment of women and girls in Iraq.  fundamental belief is that women and girls are powerful drivers of change. Striving for a world where they are safe, free to access education, and are empowered to participate in their communities to drive social and economic change. it’s also investing in the future of women and girls because they play a vital role in resurrecting and strengthening communities. To ensure we meet the women’s needs, listening to the local community and employ local women to implement the programs..

Methra Organization for Yarsani Culture and Development

Methra Organization for Yarsani Culture and Development

Methra is a non-profit organization working to develop potentials of people of Yarsani faith. It endeavors to protect heritage, customs, traditions and culture of Yarsan and promote Yarsanism in the world. seeks to raise awareness of Yarsani and other minorities, defend legitimate rights of Yarsanis and other minorities by means of national and international law. document Yarsan affairs and facts, strengthen Yarsan activities in the field of culture of tolerance and peace building, Provide resources for relevant research about Yarsani religion and culture.

Nadia’s Initiative (NI)

Nadia’s Initiative (NI)

Nadia’s Initiative (NI) is a Non-Profit organization dedicated to rebuilding communities in crisis and advocating globally for survivors of sexual violence. NI works with the local community and a variety of implementing partners on the ground in Sinjar, Iraq to design and support projects that restore education, healthcare, livelihoods, WASH and women’s empowerment in the region. All NI programs are community-driven, survivor centric, and work to promote long term peace-building. NI advocates governments and international organizations to support efforts to rebuild Sinjar, seek justice for Yazidis, improve security in the region, and support survivors of sexual violence worldwide.

National center for human rights

National center for human rights

NHCR is, non-Profit organization with moral status, working for human rights principles and non-violence culture and peaceful coexistence. with experience in the monitoring field with NED foundation and it is a member of the Civil Society Federations and 3P board. NHCR works to establish justice and equality, developing principles of democracy through the rule of law, advancing the work and activities of civil society, establishing human rights principles. Its work entails the elimination of violations of individual rights, strengthening democracy and coexistence between different religions, genders, and classes to achieve a peaceful society.

Nisha Organization

Nisha Organization

Nisha Organization is a non-profit organization Nisha, an Aramaic word for GOAL, was founded by a group of young activists to support IDP’s that fled Mosul after ISIS took control in 2014. believes that societal advancement in the area of economy, education, culture, health and psychological well-being rests on sound and informed decision making. Therefore, Nish strongly encourage democratic dialogue and resolving differences through consultations involving all communities of Nineveh province.

Peace and Freedom Organization

Peace and Freedom Organization

Peace and Freedom Organization is a non-Profit organization believes in peace and aims to Spread the culture of peace building, conflict resolution and non-violence ethics. Promoting freedoms and human rights , Protect diversity and promote citizenship. Promote peaceful coexistence and values of tolerance. Building youth capacities and promoting voluntary work. Networking and cooperation between CSOs and establishing partnerships with concerned parties.

SEED Foundation

SEED Foundation

SEED Foundation is a local NGO in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, committed to protecting, empowering, and supporting survivors of violence and others at risk. Our approach to this mission is integrative and holistic. We provide quality and comprehensive services, including mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS), legal, protection, and shelter services; training, capacity building, and education for those working to protect and serve survivors; and policy and advocacy to strengthen laws, policies, practices, and protections for vulnerable people, and to promote social change.



TAJDID Iraq is a Non-Profit organization founded in 2008. TAJDID fights for a safe and stable Iraqi society using all available financial and human resources to develop the Iraqi society in all fields, and works to support the vulnerable to achieve prosperity. TAJDID is working with many donors in implementing a wide range of programs through psychosocial support and case management services, as well as free legal services to women and girls especially the GBV survivors and ISIS victims.

To Reconcile Organization

To Reconcile Organization

To Reconcile Organization is a Non-Profit organization seeks to promote reconciliation and strengthening peaceful coexistence among all Iraqi communities. TRO works to achieve goals in partnership with community stakeholders, civil society organizations and national and international bodies. TRO works through volunteers on the ground from communities in need of reconciliation. One of the important fields of TRO´s work is to study the main reasons for inter-community disputes and social conflicts to facilitate research-based solutions to identified problems.

Turkmen Rescue Foundation

Turkmen Rescue Foundation

Turkmen Rescue Foundation is Non-Profit Organization established in 2011. Concerned with defending of human rights especially for Turkmen minority by using all legal and democratic ways, the main areas for actions are human rights as well as development, documentation and advocating. the main goal of TRF is increasing awareness about Turkmen sufferings and ongoing atrocities against. TRF is ruled by a team including the “chief, assistant, speaker and heads of many offices including; media, humanitarian, planning, strategic studies and religious and cultural relations

Women Leadership Institute (WLI)

Women Leadership Institute (WLI)

Women Leadership Institute (WLI) is a non-Profit organization established in 2004 WLI seeks to widen women’s participation through decision making and helping building peace and security in Iraq. aims to ensure Iraq’s commitment with international treaties and signatures of conventions and protocols concerning women’s rights , ensure inclusion of gender prospections in the government’s program to combat all forms of violence against women Increase Iraqi women’s participation in decisive positions in all sectors. WLI is also leading the Network of UNSC 1325 resolution.



Yazda is a global community-led organisation providing critical humanitarian assistance and promoting accountability and justice for the genocide committed by the so-called Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) against the Yazidi community and other ethnic and religious groups. Yazda was established in 2014, three weeks after the genocidal campaign commenced in Sinjar and was among the first organisations on the ground providing lifesaving assistance to survivors. Yazda was the first actor to document the crimes committed by ISIL against Yazidis and has been leading advocacy efforts on justice and accountability. Since its inception, Yazda has managed a portfolio of humanitarian, justice and rights-based projects, which are community and survivor-centred in design and implementation.

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