
Download in English: https://c4jr.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/CIGE-ENG-PR-Digital-Aug-14.pdf.

Download in Arabic: https://c4jr.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/CIGE-PR-ARA-Digital-Aug-14.pdf.

Originally published on cige.gov.krd, 15 August 2024.

CIGE’s progress report (2014-2024)

We are happy to introduce our first progress report highlighting ten years (2014-2024) of continuous efforts in seeking accountability for survivors of ISIL atrocities through the collection, preservation, and analysis of criminal evidence as well as providing psychosocial and legal support to the survivors. This report is developed in honor of the victims lost to the ISIL atrocities and those who have courageously survived. 

The events of August 3rd, 2014, brought tremendous suffering to the ethno-religious minorities in Iraq, particularly, in Sinjar and Nineveh Plains. This report highlights the efforts of The Commission for Investigation and Gathering Evidence (CIGE) to:

  • Bringing accountability for the victims through evidence collection, preservation, and analysis as well as sharing it with competent judicial bodies to be used in competent and impartial criminal proceedings;
  • Identifying missing persons through the collection of ante-mortem data and other forensic evidence and cooperation with relevant stakeholders for the excavation of identified gravesites and sharing of forensic information;
  • Supporting survivors through the provision of psychosocial assessment starting with the initiation of statement application and throughout the process as well as providing life skills trainings, supporting reparations and the re-issuance of legal documentation.
  • Building partnerships with national and international stakeholders to develop accountability methodologies in the region and enhance cooperation and assistance opportunities;
  • Raising awareness about the survivors’ rights among the affected community, contributing to advocacy efforts in the official recognition of the atrocities as genocide internationally, and expanding cooperation opportunities through outreach.

Learn more about CIGE and its work by visiting: www.cige.gov.krd.

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